WW1/WW2 flight sim for Macbook

2 Aug 2004
An older friend of mine doesn't play games but I think he'd really enjoy a decent WW1 or WW2 era flight simulator. I think he has one of the older white macbooks so it would need to run on that. Preferably it would have reasonably accurate flight dynamics and a good amount of literature in the game or manual covering the different battles and aircraft of the time.

I'm not up on flight sims myself, the only one I can think of is Red Baron but that wasn't released on Mac afaik and using bootcamp would be a little beyond my friend's technical knowledge.

Any suggestions gratefully recieved :p
It would hardly run on the integrated graphics, anyway.

Boot camp isn't too hard to configure.. the step by step instructions are pretty comprehensive. The hardest part would be configuring the Windows install...
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