WWE 2K15

8 Jan 2009
North East
Not sure if anyone has any more information on this but I read somewhere that this game might be coming to PC :)

I dont think there has really been any wrestling games on PC for many years but if true then this would be a breath of fresh in my opinion, something different for us PC gamers :)
fightnight or ufc would be a lot better :)

I remember a few months ago watching a ufc game for one of the consoles on youtube with lots of glitches and bugs in the game. The fighters were crawling around with their feet bent behind there heads and all kinds of other crazy stuff :D
I would love it on PC... There was a rumor because the PC case was shown on the Roster Reveal on the WWE Network. and it was also showing on Wiki.

But I have checked since then and the PC version has been removed, which sucks.

I read somewhere that a chinese game rating site had ratings for WWE 2K15 on PC with a review to go with it, and somewhere mentioned November 18 PC release date.

But I guess its speculation maybe, thats why I was hoping to see if anyone here had any more info or news :cool:
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