WWII Tanks

20 Mar 2004
Being watching some painting guides lately and this randomly came up on my recommended.

I'd really like to have a go at this, would make a nice change from Space Marines.

Only problem is, I have no idea where to start, he doesn't mention the model line he's painting.
I would love to go to a model shop, but the nearest is a good 30min+ drive away.

Can anyone recommend a model line I can look into?
Thanks for the replies.

Was looking into the 1/35 Tamiya line, which seem to be a similar size.
I'm trying to think up excuses to justify a trip to a model shop :p

Edit -

OMFG! Someone buy me this!

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Took the plunge.


It's taken me over a year to paint 1/2 a Space Marine, so it's going to be interesting to see how long this takes me.
Finally got her together to the point where she's ready for her base coat.


Quit a few errors where I didn't file it down fine enough or went too crazy with the plastic glue, but I'm hoping a paint job will fix the worst of it.
Was quite fun to do when I had 5-10 minutes of free time.

Next question is what paints do I get?
Do I go with the Tamiya paint set or use Vallejo like the guy in the video.
I've only ever used Citadel.
Few things went wrong, windy day outside, didn't shake the can enough or was too close.



The paint was running on the back so I tried to clean it up with some kitchen towel but it made matters worse.

Is there anyway to salvage this, would some fine sandpaper work? If so, what grade?

The recesses on the front of the tank don't seem to be as deep anymore, can I do anything about that?

Edit - I've noticed some cracks on the turret as well, I think it was just too cold to spray paint.
Can anyone recommend a good paint remover? I think it's best just to start again.
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I panic'd yesterday and went into full drama mode!

Gonna try sanding it down and respraying it later. Worse case scenario, the kit comes with loads of accessories, so I'll just cover it up.
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