Just thought i'd give this another spin, and still disappointed. Apparently 'constant development' consists of trying to drag the engine up to Half Life standards (the original) and failing miserably. Its quite nice if you pump up the graphics but unfortunately the 3fps for waving trees on an 4000+ system makes you wonder if seeing the flat ground for 2 miles is really worth it. Why they have concentrated on graphics rather than the rather more crucial gameplay is beyond me.
The infantry game sucks just as badly as before, the avatars are clunky and it still feels like youre driving a soldier around although they have reduced the fact you didnt quite stop when you took your finger off the w button woohoo. Selecting weaponry is slowwwwww - run out of ammo on your rifle and want to select pistol? Dont use the mouse wheel because it will be random what you end up holding. Many humorous moments holding an ammo cannister or a smoke grenade as I get shot at close range. Using the buttons to select is almost as pathetic, with you mashing the number and at some point the engine will begin to select that weapon, simulating you drawing it, giving the barrel a polish, pulling on your shooting gloves, loading and hey presto, 2 minutes later there it is! Completely useless.
Worst of all everyone still seems to be playing on 56k. The infantry game has players warping around like klingons, shoot them and they fall over about 2 seconds later if you dont fall over first. This has meant that one of the most annoying aspects of the inf game is still there, shoot someone and they have the time your packet takes to transfer to shoot you back, usually a couple of seconds. Much hilarity ensues in close quarters as you both fall over. Apparently this is a 'huge improvement' over how it was a month ago, I shudder to think.
The saving grace of wwiol is that it is a grognards dream - you can fly over a battlefield of tanks and infantry duking it out and the air game is as good as any out there. But if you want to play infantry expect to be frustrated by an engine that hasnt moved except for some cosmetic fixes and still lurks back in the days when there were 56k only counter strike rooms - remember those? werent they fun. The argument put forward is of course that the engine needs to cater for everyone, but that excuse was old two years ago.
If youre a flier or even into a little tank action i'd recommend it, but for infantry play, play anything else.
The infantry game sucks just as badly as before, the avatars are clunky and it still feels like youre driving a soldier around although they have reduced the fact you didnt quite stop when you took your finger off the w button woohoo. Selecting weaponry is slowwwwww - run out of ammo on your rifle and want to select pistol? Dont use the mouse wheel because it will be random what you end up holding. Many humorous moments holding an ammo cannister or a smoke grenade as I get shot at close range. Using the buttons to select is almost as pathetic, with you mashing the number and at some point the engine will begin to select that weapon, simulating you drawing it, giving the barrel a polish, pulling on your shooting gloves, loading and hey presto, 2 minutes later there it is! Completely useless.
Worst of all everyone still seems to be playing on 56k. The infantry game has players warping around like klingons, shoot them and they fall over about 2 seconds later if you dont fall over first. This has meant that one of the most annoying aspects of the inf game is still there, shoot someone and they have the time your packet takes to transfer to shoot you back, usually a couple of seconds. Much hilarity ensues in close quarters as you both fall over. Apparently this is a 'huge improvement' over how it was a month ago, I shudder to think.
The saving grace of wwiol is that it is a grognards dream - you can fly over a battlefield of tanks and infantry duking it out and the air game is as good as any out there. But if you want to play infantry expect to be frustrated by an engine that hasnt moved except for some cosmetic fixes and still lurks back in the days when there were 56k only counter strike rooms - remember those? werent they fun. The argument put forward is of course that the engine needs to cater for everyone, but that excuse was old two years ago.
If youre a flier or even into a little tank action i'd recommend it, but for infantry play, play anything else.
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