
18 Oct 2002
I ordered a rear Contiforce SM on sunday which has just arrived. Brought it via www.moto-tyres.co.uk as they were at least £10 cheaper than anywhere else I'd found and free postage to put a cherry on top.

moto-tyres are in Germany and use DPD on both sides of the flight which I rate as one of the best if not the best couriers.

They are worth bookmarking for future use.
Looks like the same company as mytyres.co.uk

Prices look pretty good, though possibly not quite as good as http://www.oponeo.co.uk, and I recently bought a set of tyres from http://www.tyretectrading.com/ who were the cheapest I could find for the specific tyres I was after (Avon Ultra Sport).

However I didn't know that Nangkang made sports bike tyres, think I'll gives those a miss :D
yes, same company. Opene wanted £11 more for my tyre, I guess some are cheaper and others not.
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