
That video is terrible but they seem to break the lock of pretty damn easy. Would be interesting to know how much money had been spent to protect £12k worth of bike!
That video is terrible but they seem to break the lock of pretty damn easy. Would be interesting to know how much money had been spent to protect £12k worth of bike!

Unfortunately whatever was spent was clearly not enough. Very shocking though that it did not take them long to get it and get away with it.

EDIT: Having re-read what he said it doesn't seem like there was ANY security on the bike at all....

I also believe manufacturers are severely lacking in responsibility. It was ridiculously easy to break both my steering lock and ignition barrel. To also not have, by standard, an immobiliser on a brand new, £10k bike is also shortsighted. I guess it sells them more bikes…

My next bike has so much security on it
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The ****ing cheek. I'd have gone absolutely berserk.

They need to be put in jail but I doubt the police will actually catch them even with such conclusive evidence!
Alarm and tracker, always, ALWAYS my first 2 mods if not done previously. Saves a TON on insurance, peace of mind. If the alarm doesn't scare them, then fine. Have it, but within 10 mins, I will receive a text telling me my bike has been moved and the police will know it's location...

My 1098S has immoby, alarm, tracker and datatag... On top of that, ground anchor with a top of the range oxford lock, 2 of them, looping through the wheels and frame. It is 10's of thousands of pounds that can be CARRIED by 2 people easily...

Feel sorry for the guy, but it should have been alarmed :(
That video is terrible but they seem to break the lock of pretty damn easy. Would be interesting to know how much money had been spent to protect £12k worth of bike!

None by the looks of it, No Alarm, no disk lock, I thought all bikes came with factory fitted Immobilisers these days, I guess not!
Alarm and tracker, always, ALWAYS my first 2 mods if not done previously. Saves a TON on insurance, peace of mind. If the alarm doesn't scare them, then fine. Have it, but within 10 mins, I will receive a text telling me my bike has been moved and the police will know it's location...

My 1098S has immoby, alarm, tracker and datatag... On top of that, ground anchor with a top of the range oxford lock, 2 of them, looping through the wheels and frame. It is 10's of thousands of pounds that can be CARRIED by 2 people easily...

Feel sorry for the guy, but it should have been alarmed :(

I'm looking into things at the moment for my bike.... Any advice on what to get and the rough cost?
Alarm and tracker, always, ALWAYS my first 2 mods if not done previously. Saves a TON on insurance, peace of mind. If the alarm doesn't scare them, then fine. Have it, but within 10 mins, I will receive a text telling me my bike has been moved and the police will know it's location...

My 1098S has immoby, alarm, tracker and datatag... On top of that, ground anchor with a top of the range oxford lock, 2 of them, looping through the wheels and frame. It is 10's of thousands of pounds that can be CARRIED by 2 people easily...

Feel sorry for the guy, but it should have been alarmed :(

One guy wrote on it about his company. If someone even rocks or shakes your bike, you get a text alerting you that it has been shaken. I'd definitely have one if I had a bike worth much more.
Unfortunately whatever was spent was clearly not enough. Very shocking though that it did not take them long to get it and get away with it.

Yea see this the other day over on BCF, as said they need stringing up:mad:

As for how much spent on security, none he's got no security on that bike at all, infact you couldn't have less if you tried ie only a stearing lock.

He bought that brand new so it was his choice not to have an alarm or immobiliser on it, not even bothered with a chain or disc lock :confused:
Sorry, he didn't deserve it but no security on a new bike that's crazy:(
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I'm looking into things at the moment for my bike.... Any advice on what to get and the rough cost?

Meta alarms are brilliant, not overly costly, fitted professionaly takes no longer than a day and doesn't cost much. You can get a meta alarm and mobby in one. Which is what I always do. They do suffer a bit if your battery goes flat, but my bike sits on a optimate the moment it's tucked away. And only comes off it if I go for a ride.

As for Datatag, well yea, datatag. Goes on the frame, inside the tank and somewhere else I can't remember...

As for the big one, a tracker... This is the one I am currently using:


I went for the TRACKER Retrieve package. You get a text alerting you of your bikes movement and a number to call if it isn't you basically.

Sat in the office, bike moves, you get a text "ummm, hold on!", on the blower, job done.

Used a couple of others previously but this one got me my biggest insurance discount. Thankfully, not had to use the services yet haha.

But the price says it all. £124 a year!!! So cheap, don't know why people don't use them more to be honest. It really is the best thing to have, also a alarm is a great in your face hands off thing to have haha.
One guy wrote on it about his company. If someone even rocks or shakes your bike, you get a text alerting you that it has been shaken. I'd definitely have one if I had a bike worth much more.

See above mate, they are not expensive! Seriously, get one, I have had alarms, immoby's and trackers fitted to all my bikes, costs a max of £1000 for the lot. But you save pretty much 2/3's of that from insurance deductions.

This alarm + immoby: http://www.gapsecuritydirect.co.uk/meta-357tv2/

Cost: £289.99

Tracker: (tracker retrieve package) http://www.tracker.co.uk/b2c.html?gclid=COv61qaz7rACFVMetAodsk4swA

Cost: £124 + £361 (first year, £124 after for another 2 years)

Datatag (not really needed...) But if you want (and are overly cautious like me when it comes to security): http://datatag.co.uk/motorcycles.php

Overall, upfront cost (without datatag): £780. It's high. But like I said, don't need it all, I do. I always include it in the price of the bike. If I see a bike without, I mention it's a huge put off for me and walk away unless they lower the price. Every bike I have had has had atleast the alarm and tracker.

EDIT: ALL of the above fit with certified engineers, you get a certificate and you sleep sound at night knowing if one of those little scrotes does manage to get past all the security, you are already on the phone saying "I'm watching pop idol but my bike just turned out of my rode..." "Ah, we will inform the police now".

But let's be honest, they will see 4 different security stickers, DATATAG / ALARM / IMMOBILISER / TRACKER. Just a big NOPE to any theif.
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Saw that yesterday and i have little sympathy for him tbh.

It's not locked to anything and no alarm/immob. He just left it there and used the steering lock. He's quite an idiot not taking further precautions.
Saw that yesterday and i have little sympathy for him tbh.

It's not locked to anything and no alarm/immob. He just left it there and used the steering lock. He's quite an idiot not taking further precautions.

I whole heartedly agree, and hiding it around a corner in a secluded area? wtf. asking for it.

If they want it that bad they will take it regardless but back it tight up to a kerb, chain the back wheel to a lamp post or something solid using a decent chain, slap a disc lock on the front tucked right up under the calliper, fit an alarm on it and put it somewhere where people actually are and the scrotes will likely look for the next opportunity further down the road.

He had it coming really. Triumphs are great bikes but they are notorious for having a weak steering lock and an ignition barrel that can be removed with one sharp blow of a hammer.
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