Wychwood beer problems

1 Aug 2005
I have noticed something weird over the last few years, that if I have min two Wychwood beers I feel terrible the next day. If I have two beers [or more] from, say, another brewery, it's fine.

What on earth do they put in their beers? I had one King Goblin last night [and a couple from another brewery] and I feel terrible today. Maybe I should just avoid their stuff altogether from now.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
OK, thanks. Yes, they must cut corners somewhere with their brewing process. I am only just starting to feel better. I'll have to avoid their stuff from now on.

They used to have the best label designs in the business [especially Black Wych and Arrowyn], but they've 'modernised' them now and they're not as good.
I get this with home brewed beer which is why after about 5 years I stopped.

It'd be hit and miss, sometimes I'd be fine, but on the odd day, literally after 10-12 pints I'd wake up and feel a bit funny.
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