X-fi and a front panel.

8 Oct 2006
Hi guys, i want to get some PC 161s and a X-fi gamer, but my akasa case doesnt have a front panel for headphones and mic. i see that the x-fi has the connections for a fonrt panel but i just need to get one. i did see the BB-001-AK http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=BB-001-AK which would be perfect as i need a card reader also. but will it hook up to the xfi?

i dont want to go splashing money on stuff for it to not work with everything else.
yes it will work .you get lots of cables with the Akasa All-In-One. all you do it to bring the cables from the Akasa out the back of your pc and then plug the ends in to your sound card
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