X-Fi and Gaming Headsets question

24 Mar 2006
Gonna get myself a X-Fi music and have a few questions.

I know the X-Fi has a mode for your headphones when gaming. Is this for normal or gaming headsets? How do gaming headsets work? Do they have more than one speaker in each earpiece? :confused:

its for normal stereo headphones, i got myself the same card yesterday, had a go in UT2003 with me headphones, turned on EAX and was quite shocked at how well it works :)
"Gaming headset" is more of a marketing gimmick than an actual technology. Any decent headphone will work just fine for gaming. You're thinking of 5.1 headphones - they have lots of different speakers in each earpiece to give surround sound. The X-Fi has a virtual surround sound option that works well with any stereo headphones, whether they're "gaming" headphones or not.
The CMSS headphone surround works very well on the X-Fi,i just use a pair of decent Sennheiser headphones & the sound is amazing :D
Rob43 said:
The CMSS headphone surround works very well on the X-Fi,i just use a pair of decent Sennheiser headphones & the sound is amazing :D

Cheers. My Sennheiser HD25 should hopfully do the trick then :D
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