Intresting drivers,
credit to daniel_k...
Patch release Information:
ㆍDescription: Patch to driver RC3.
ㆍVersion: XF_2_14_4_Patch_RC1_1
Corrects the following issues:
ㆍ4GB RAM Support Issues
ㆍProvide the default setting
ㆍPassthrough Issue fix
ㆍSo-called "Time bomb" bug
File Information:
ㆍSize: 53.6 mb
ㆍRelease Date: 9/27/2007
ㆍDate Originally Posted: 9/27/07
ㆍDate updated: 9/27/07
These also fix my a mates crackles and pop issue with xfi cards.
give them a try...
X-Fi drivers to correct issues with 4Gb RAM based on the latest Prelude's drivers (09/27/07).
Test driver, use them at your own risk.
Uninstall previous drivers, reboot and run setup.exe.
You'll be prompted with a security warning about unsigned drivers.
Download: Test driver:;8661284;/
AudioConsole (*):;8619338;/
(*) Extract with subfolders and run:
- AudCon\setup.exe to install AudioConsole
- APOIM\setup.exe to install APO Manager for Vista
Reboot if necessary.
credit to daniel_k...
Patch release Information:
ㆍDescription: Patch to driver RC3.
ㆍVersion: XF_2_14_4_Patch_RC1_1
Corrects the following issues:
ㆍ4GB RAM Support Issues
ㆍProvide the default setting
ㆍPassthrough Issue fix
ㆍSo-called "Time bomb" bug
File Information:
ㆍSize: 53.6 mb
ㆍRelease Date: 9/27/2007
ㆍDate Originally Posted: 9/27/07
ㆍDate updated: 9/27/07
These also fix my a mates crackles and pop issue with xfi cards.
give them a try...
X-Fi drivers to correct issues with 4Gb RAM based on the latest Prelude's drivers (09/27/07).
Test driver, use them at your own risk.
Uninstall previous drivers, reboot and run setup.exe.
You'll be prompted with a security warning about unsigned drivers.
Download: Test driver:;8661284;/
AudioConsole (*):;8619338;/
(*) Extract with subfolders and run:
- AudCon\setup.exe to install AudioConsole
- APOIM\setup.exe to install APO Manager for Vista
Reboot if necessary.