X-FI music fixes its self. Amazing

17 Dec 2004
Ive had my x-fi xtreme music card for about 2yrs now, and I think its the 2nd version with the heatsink on the processor

anyway about 4 month ago I upgraded my system, but my x-fi card had probs with my abit ip-35 pro board, and stuttered and stuff while browsing the net. But like by magic its totally disappeared afer about 2 months of having my new sys. Can motherboards change settings without you knowing, if it knows theres a prob? Or arnt boards that intelligent?
Yes but that didnt solve the stuttering and popping. Updated it after a few weeks after upgrading.

I was thinking about changing my card too, but now theres no prob at all with my x-fi card,, amazing hey and im using vista 64 ultimate? Knowing my luck the stuttering and popping will come back now ive said that.
But when it used to stutter an stuff, it would be fine when I first booted up but then would stutter and pop after a few hrs and get worse untill games get affected by it. But last week I had my pc on for about 5 days continuious and the card has been perfect.
Another strange happenings is my tv card. After about a week of installing vista, my tv card causeed vista to BSOD, but then was pefect up till a week later after I had upgraded to 8gb then BSOD again. But its been fine ever since then. Its like when I change my hardware my tv will cause vista to crash in about a weeks time and then its fine, how odd hey?? But my tv card is conflicting with something tho, cos when you change the channel or anything it take it ages todo that task.

I might change my card sometime for a better quality card, atm I have a ""compro T300 digital & analog tuner"
I might get the Compro E800 pcie card or the Terratec Cinergy 2400i DT pcie card if I do change. My T300 in full screen mode dont seem very sharp even tho its using the native res of the monitor, and the shapness slidebar is grayed out in the options so it wont let me change it. With my 19" 5:4 lcd monitor it looked quite sharp in full screen, but the pic was much smaller then on my new 20.1" lcd.
Is this normal with all tv cards, the larger screen you get the less sharp the picture is?
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