X-fi on XP?

9 Oct 2004
Ive only ever use my X-fi card on Vista 64... and im getting fed up with the drivers and crud support from creative... so I was thinking, is there any noticeable audible difference with the xp drivers compared to the vista drivers?

I mean, is the x-pand CMSS-3D better in Xp than it is in vista?

Im thinking of going back to xp especially as I know my new x1950 pro isnt hitting its max potentional - right?

My X-Fi card runs miles better on XP than Vista. At the minute I basically still cant use Vista because it can't even play a single MP3 song all the way through without stuttering, buffering, crackling or skipping at least once during the play of a single song. This is compounded by surround sound and EAX not working very well at all. I've no idea if it is Vista, the creative drivers or even my motherboard (heard reports of my Nforce 4 chipset being to blame :confused: ).

Anyway, my X-Fi is brilliant in XP, I get great 7.1 surround sound, plays MP3's brilliantly and games that support EAX sound great. This is why I've setup my system as dual boot XP and Vista. I use XP 99% of the time and roughly once a week log onto Vista to check if there are any new drivers and to see if things are any better.
find drivers that work then?

Theres some youp pax drivers, with xfi2 software in them aswell.

My xfi works perfectly on vista, i havnt played games yet (on gw's) but it worked... so hey.
Psypher5 said:
find drivers that work then?
Hmmmm, really tempted to say that when Creative make some drivers that work then I'll install them :mad: It's a real sore point with me because I upgraded from a Audigy 2ZS to an X-Fi because apparantly the support for Vista was better, only to find the card works even worse in Vista for me than my Audigy did. I'm running the latest official drivers for everything in my system, sound card included, and it is still completely unusable.

Thanks for the mention of the 'youp pax drivers' though, I've no idea what these are but am off to google it now, cheers.
they are on the creative website forum,

trust me, they are good :) Digitals a bit odd (says it aint working, but..it clearly is) and the software has some nifty additions :)

THe official drivers for me, didnt work. Sound played, but the software wouldnt open.

I'll help later if your still stuck, rushing about to go out in a moment!
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