X-Fi Pro Cable

13 May 2007
Lancashire, UK
Not sure if anyone has one of these cards but theres something really annoying me about it.

I bought it because its got a front panel, which makes it easier for me to plug/unplug my headphones and mic when I need to. Now the problem is that the front panel connects to the main card by an IDE type wire. This has to be the ugliest type of wire they could have used so I'm wondering if theres anything I can do to make it look better ?

I was considering removing it and then using a scalpel to slice it up then bundle it in a tube but I wasn't sure if this would break anything.
Can you just buy a 1-1 IDE round cable, but longer? (no middle connector)
Also how long is this lead, have to wonder if it's long enough in a big case (SC in the bottom, front panel at the top)

I'm trying to find front panel, just too darn expensive. I don't need the remote, just the panel.. :(
Its like an IDE cable but I don't think an IDE cable will fit, not tried it yet though because I don'y have any lying around.

The lead is an OK length, but because I'ev got 2 GFX cards I can't put it at the bottom of the case to make it look neater.
You can buy 40 pin ide straight through connectors on the internet... (ones with 3 connectors have a pin blocked off that is used and makes it impossible to plug in)
TheKnat said:
I was considering removing it and then using a scalpel to slice it up then bundle it in a tube but I wasn't sure if this would break anything.
I know other people have tried that and had it work ok. I'm sure i've read about it on here. Can't find much on google though.
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