X-Fi to Stacker 810 front panel?

17 Mar 2006
Is it possible to connect the X-Fi to the Stacker 810 front panel? I just need headphone output ideally.

The 810 FP cable has two 2x5 header plugs (one labelled AC 97, other HD audio) plus individual wires. Is the X-Fi output block standard AC 97, HD audio wired or does it have it's own wiring arrangment?

Two sticky labels are atached on the cable with pin arrangment for AC 97 and Azalia
According to this, it does have front panel connectors, looks like only four pins though?

Need to read X-Fi manual and match them up with the individual wires by the look of it. Copied & pasted from X-Fi manual. I don't understand the two paragraphs, they contradict each other!

Front Panel Header
Connection compatiblity
Intel HD Front Panel Audio stan
dard only

Not compatible with AC97 or Intel-compatible HD Front Panel Audio.
Microphone limitation

Rear microphones are automatically disabled when both front and rear microphones are connected
Pin configuration

Pin Signal Name Description
1 PORT 1L Analog Port 1 - left channel (Microphone)
2 GND Ground
3 PORT 1R Analog Port 1 - right channel (Microphone)
4 PRESENCE# Active low signal that signals BIOS that an Intel HD Audio dongle is connected to the analog header. PRESENCE# = 0 when an Intel HD Audio dongle is connected
5 PORT 2R Analog Port 2 - right channel (Headphone)
6 SENSE1_RETURN Jack detection return for front panel (JACK1)
7 SENSE_SEND Jack detection sense line from the Intel HD Audio CODEC jack detection resistor network
8 KEY Connector Key
9 PORT 2L Analog Port 2 - left channel (Headphone)
10 SENSE2_RETURN Jack detection return for front panel (JACK2)
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Top edge, near the back. I'll have to look at SC manual, could be floppy power cable? I heard one soundcard needs extra power from floppy connector.
squiffy said:
Top edge, near the back. I'll have to look at SC manual, could be floppy power cable? I heard one soundcard needs extra power from floppy connector.

Yup thats a floppy power connector. Dont know what its there for mind
So the X-Fi requires extra power from the floppy connector? Have you got a PDF of the Xtreme Music? I can only find manual for another model.
AFAIK the X-fi requires no extra power. The connector to hook up front audion is the black 10 pin connector at the top left of that picture, just behind the backplate. You'll need a connector like this to connect up your front ports. Got one in my coolermaster centurion and works ok, few troubles with the mic.
thanks, the CD had a help file and that said the sam "Powers the X-Fi I/O Console* via the AD_Link connector. Connect a power cable from your computer's power supply to this connector.

My case does have individual wires/plugs, I just need the pin arrangment on the AD_EXT connector
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