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X1900series owners or very soon to be owners

22 Oct 2004
Im over the moon ive just ordered the connect3d x1900xtx :cool:
i ordered it at 12:00 and went for royal mail special delivery (11 quid for delivery) what day do you wreckon ill get it on.

So who else has ordered one and which one.

When i get mine and ive got it up and running im gonna run 3dmark05 then test out some demanding games:

Whats everyone going to be running these beast at what res, im going to be using it at 1280x1024 which i know is a slight overkill, but who cares its only money and im excited :cool:
Gibbo said:
Hi there

You will get your card tomorrow if you ordered it from Overclockers UK. :)

that quick i dont remeber overclockers being next day on time :p
usually i get stuff about 2-3 days later but im not complaining. Id be very suprised if it did come tomorrow.

What you saying gibbo you madmen im a overclockers loyal follower i buy all my parts off overclockers :cool:
ive got my games lieing out on my desk ready for me to test in order of course:

farcry just gonna do 1 level
rome total war going to have the biggest armies cap on
bf2 going to have a few rounds on 64 server
doom3 just gonna do 1st lvel
quake4 do 1 level on that
call of duty 2 gonna do the desert level so i can see it properly. Im currently on a night mission with lots of rain so it will be harder to see all the detail.
fear gonna be excited to do 1 level in max detail.
hl2 gonna play it all the way through again with soem nice graphics.

Obvisiouly ill be playing everything on max at 1280x1024 and there wont be a stutter.......or else :p
lemonkettaz said:
at 1280x1024 there will be no stutter what so ever... it will be smooooth as creamy hot chocolate.

fear is pretty good all on max like, the corridors and doors look incredible :)

who cares about the corridors plz tell me more about the doors, is door handles shiny do they sparkle....dont get me too excited about the door frame :D
I recieved my x1900xtx at 7:15 this morning, it should have been here at 7:10 but never mind ;)

Ive installed it and ran 3dmark05 and got 9761 which im really happy with now im gonna go test my games. :)
Right my thoughts on the x1900xtx so far......
When i turned my pc on i thought it was a bit loud it sounded a bit like a whistle, but the noise went after a several seconds. During post i always a have a logo of DFI Lanparty but it was all colured weird i think it was some sort of artifacts :(
When i got onto my windows screen it looked fine and everything looks normal, i ran 3dmark05 and no artifacts just a nice score :)
Afterwards i ran a series of games (at1280x1024) and these are my thoughts:

Farcry- Put everything on maximum (when i mean everything that means EVERYTHING) the first thing i noticed the loading time for the level took ages but it does that anyway. When i got onto the game there was a slight stutter but afterwards was tottally smooth. The graphics looked the same as my x800xl did apart from the water which looked quite a lot better :)

Rome total war- I maxed everything up and done a skirmish with 9660 men on the battlefeild (when i was choosing my men i had a warning telling me that performance will decrease due too large numbers). It was right, it looked lovely but very slow.

Doom3 & expansion pack- ran them both but had a lot of hassle trying to put everything on max i could have 1280x1024 res but no AA?? but the game still looked nice on ultra settings but not much different than my x800xl.

quake4- had the same trouble with the AA as doom3 (maybe its an ID Software thing) but this game did look quite a lot better on ultra. And no stutter on this game only a little at the start of the level and the loading times.

call of duty 2- Ramped everything up and went on the desert mission so i could see the detail better (i think ive lost my save now all well ill have to do that blinking hard level again). This game so far has the most difference in quality in graphics ive mentioned so far. And its so smooth as well even with the scope up and and looking at a smoke nade.

FEAR-With everything up this game looked a lot better and its got one of the best effects ive ever seen in a game. I was looking at a barrel with fire coming out and above it was heat haze :) . The smoothness wasnt that good it did feel a little slow in the outdoor areas.

HL2 Loast coast- what can i say other than amazing. The HDR looks superb and the water effects is better than farcry. The game was very smooth and the HDR was in full affect....i must have been blinded about 5 times just to see it again and again :p

With all that done i would say that im very impressed but the performance wasnt as good as i was expecting with the chuggy bits that i found in some games. But that could be put down to the game itself or other parts of my pc that aint worthy of the x1900xtx.
Now im thinking what game shall i play all the way through with my new card im stuck deciding between hl2 or fear Ive still got to finish cod2 but thats so hard im on the hardest setting on a d-day mission.

If theres anything else you would like to know about the card ill be glad to help.
bakes0310 said:
Right my thoughts on the x1900xtx so far......
When i turned my pc on i thought it was a bit loud it sounded a bit like a whistle, but the noise went after a several seconds. During post i always a have a logo of DFI Lanparty but it was all colured weird i think it was some sort of artifacts :(
When i got onto my windows screen it looked fine and everything looks normal, i ran 3dmark05 and no artifacts just a nice score :)
Afterwards i ran a series of games (at1280x1024) and these are my thoughts:

Farcry- Put everything on maximum (when i mean everything that means EVERYTHING) the first thing i noticed the loading time for the level took ages but it does that anyway. When i got onto the game there was a slight stutter but afterwards was tottally smooth. The graphics looked the same as my x800xl did apart from the water which looked quite a lot better :)

Rome total war- I maxed everything up and done a skirmish with 9660 men on the battlefeild (when i was choosing my men i had a warning telling me that performance will decrease due too large numbers). It was right, it looked lovely but very slow.

Doom3 & expansion pack- ran them both but had a lot of hassle trying to put everything on max i could have 1280x1024 res but no AA?? but the game still looked nice on ultra settings but not much different than my x800xl.

quake4- had the same trouble with the AA as doom3 (maybe its an ID Software thing) but this game did look quite a lot better on ultra. And no stutter on this game only a little at the start of the level and the loading times.

call of duty 2- Ramped everything up and went on the desert mission so i could see the detail better (i think ive lost my save now all well ill have to do that blinking hard level again). This game so far has the most difference in quality in graphics ive mentioned so far. And its so smooth as well even with the scope up and and looking at a smoke nade.

FEAR-With everything up this game looked a lot better and its got one of the best effects ive ever seen in a game. I was looking at a barrel with fire coming out and above it was heat haze :) . The smoothness wasnt that good it did feel a little slow in the outdoor areas.

HL2 Loast coast- what can i say other than amazing. The HDR looks superb and the water effects is better than farcry. The game was very smooth and the HDR was in full affect....i must have been blinded about 5 times just to see it again and again :p

With all that done i would say that im very impressed but the performance wasnt as good as i was expecting with the chuggy bits that i found in some games. But that could be put down to the game itself or other parts of my pc that aint worthy of the x1900xtx.
Now im thinking what game shall i play all the way through with my new card im stuck deciding between hl2 or fear Ive still got to finish cod2 but thats so hard im on the hardest setting on a d-day mission.

If theres anything else you would like to know about the card ill be glad to help.

Does anyone else agree with that whats your veiws
Im loving this x1900xtx i decided to play through fear again and its great ive got up to the bit where you see that fat dude turn the turrets on so im about halfway.
After playing the game for a bit longer ive found that the game really does play well with everything maxed it looks amazing. Its very smooth but the only time it chuggs and stutters is when at the start of a new level or when i reach checkpoints.
I love this card anyone else happy as me with there new cards :cool:
Just ran 3dmark03 and got 17892 :)
Thats a good score isnt it for that card what is everyone else getting.
Do you wreckon well get even higher scores when the drivers start coming out.
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