x3 questions for those who have watched it

12 May 2005
Well, I have just seen Xmen 3, and have to say I have a few disappointments (such as Juggernaught being a mutant rather than having his powers for the Cytorak temple, and the Phoenix just being Jeans alter ego... suppose it would have taken to long to have explained any other way).

But do people think this will be the last movie? TBH, seeing Magneto move the chess piece a little at the end tells us that he is regaining his powers, and I am not certain with Prof X, there is a possibility that he could come back as Onslaught?

What was it that was said after the ending credits? I missed it :(
After credits is moira on Muir island and she hears 'hello moira', she turns around and says 'charles'

Regarding a fourth film, with the money its raking in, there will be. They have said there wont before the movie was released. But this is hollywood. Money talks. Wolverine spinoff and magneto spinoff(prequals) already in the works.

Onslaught wont happen, or at least a one thats not a complete Shell of what the Onslaught saga was (the entire marvel universe in one movie wont and CANT happen due to various studios owning various characters).

Apocolypse or Sinister for the next movie most likely.
It will be the last in the x-men style but there will be a two spinoff movies, or prequels. Magnito and wolverine.

There is a lot of interest in both characters so thats why they are likely to succeed in their own movies.
My friend said that there's definately going to be a sequel and when saw Magneto on Johnathan Ross he said that if they leave the chess ending in then there will probably be a sequel.

The bit after the credits was cool, I'm glad I stayed for it.
Mic said:
Apocolypse or Sinister for the next movie most likely.

The impact of Sinister would be completely lost without Scott and Jean. They should just stick to spin-offs from now on, as the X-Men doesn't make sense with its three main characters dead.
A bigger question for me is when they moved the bridge to alcatraz how did it become night all of a sudden? And even more so, who switched on all the lights on in the cars when the camera panned out? :confused:
GhostFace said:
A bigger question for me is when they moved the bridge to alcatraz how did it become night all of a sudden? And even more so, who switched on all the lights on in the cars when the camera panned out? :confused:
That bit made me chuckle too!

I missed the bit after the credits, is:
After credits is moira on Muir island and she hears 'hello moira', she turns around and says 'charles'
.. all that happened? Seems to me they are wanting to keep the possibility of Charles and Magneto coming back in some capacity..?
spoilers GALORE!!

a lot of the following information has come from 5 or 6 confirmed who won a chance to see the UK Premiere and got to talk to one of the special effects guys or something to that effect. He was a big part of the movie whoever he was.

TomHark said:
The impact of Sinister would be completely lost without Scott and Jean. They should just stick to spin-offs from now on, as the X-Men doesn't make sense with its three main characters dead.
Scotts not 'dead', thats why didnt show it on screen. If they make a fourth, and they want to bring him back they can.
Jean will most likely be her Clone, who sinister created (and mother to Cable).

riddlermarc said:
That bit made me chuckle too!

I missed the bit after the credits, is:.. all that happened? Seems to me they are wanting to keep the possibility of Charles and Magneto coming back in some capacity..?
Magneto still has his powers, as seen in the last scene.
The body Charles takes over on Muir Island is of............wait for it............wait for it...........HIS BRAINDEAD TWIN BROTHER!! OMG you can just feel the writers talents at work there :rolleyes:
Thats been said by Patrick Stewart aswell.

GhostFace said:
A bigger question for me is when they moved the bridge to alcatraz how did it become night all of a sudden? And even more so, who switched on all the lights on in the cars when the camera panned out? :confused:
Theres supposedly a missing scene there.

I had a theory about the ending.. I thought that maybe the brain dead person that Charles mentioned earlier on might have actually been Xavior ? Because the women spoke to him as if he was ? Just something I cooked up in that weird mind of mine that I thought I'd share. I'm not saying that he transfered his conciousness to another person, I'm saying that maybe that person is actually Xavior?

Ahh... I duno.
naffa said:

I had a theory about the ending.. I thought that maybe the brain dead person that Charles mentioned earlier on might have actually been Xavior ? Because the women spoke to him as if he was ? Just something I cooked up in that weird mind of mine that I thought I'd share. I'm not saying that he transfered his conciousness to another person, I'm saying that maybe that person is actually Xavior?

Ahh... I duno.
Well its apparently been comfirmed its his twin brain dead brother and charles has taken over his body.
Woody__ said:
According Fox there will be a fourth movie. It will take place using some diffrent characters as The Last Stand is part of a trilogy that merely highlights the relationships between certain characters in the X-Men franchise. So basically, X3 is part of a trilogy involving the current characters involved.

Pretty much. Basically it means 'whoever we can get back for x4 on the cheap we will'
I expect Halle Berry(storm),Ian McKellan(magneto) Ann Paquin (rogue) and Hugh Jackman(wolverine) to not return.

Patrick Stewart said he wants to and loved doing the movies. As has Kelsey Grammer. The rest will return, its easy money. Colossus, Iceman, Kitty Pryde, Beast, Angel and Cyclops(they will bring him back) would most likely be the main Xmen in a new film/trilogy

With a Sinister/Apocolypse storyline.
Okay film and I suppose you'll neever be able to interpret the comics in to such a short space of time but it was okay.

I was also wondering how day suddenly became night but apparently my friends didn't notice it at all!

One thing the film has done for me is reignight my love for comics! When I was younger I only read spiderman comics and got what I could where I could but the reprints of classic storylines were always the best.

I want to start reading some x men and I'm only going to stick to the big storylines, which you can usually get bound together nowadays if I'm correct and I'm assuming some of you know your way around the X universe. I'm just wondering where would be a good place to start?
Mundu said:
I want to start reading some x men and I'm only going to stick to the big storylines, which you can usually get bound together nowadays if I'm correct and I'm assuming some of you know your way around the X universe. I'm just wondering where would be a good place to start?
Yep, bound 'sagas' are the way to go. No messing around.
Id recomment 'Ultimate Xmen' in hardbacl form.
Its basically Xmen re-started for the modern age. As in it starts off completely fresh. The likes of Joss Whedon(Buffy, Firefly and Brain Singer have written stories for it).
Its a little bit more grown up I guess, they wear movie like costumes, it deals with modern issues (Colossus is a big gay russian:()

From the 616 universe(the regular universe) Id recommend getting a hold of the following

The Phoenix Saga
Onslaught Saga
Age of Apocolypse (alternate universe mini series, it was brilliant.)

And many many more. I havent collected comics in years. I really want to get back into it though collecting the 'binded' comics
Well after a quick look I got real confused then found the Essential X-Men TPB which is probably all I need. I might aswell get the Spidey ones while I'm at it.

On the Ultimate side of things I have up to about issue 60 of Ultimate Spiderman but never actually read them! DOn't ask me why I bought them.

I also have Wolverine Origin, The End and Snikt which are all Mini Series. I also have the two parter of X Men: The Brood from years ago. I actually have loads of comics that are all comming back to me all of a sudden!

Edit: Also what was that whole storyline that went through the Marvel universe with the massive Robots? I remeber having a few Spidey comics that dealt with it.
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