X360 Component Vs VGA on HD-TV?

17 Jan 2006
Hi i have a Samsung LE26R41BDX HDTV. We all know that you get jaggies when using the X360 through component because it only uses 2xAA. I heard somewhere on this forum, i've tried searching but had no luck, that if you use a VGA cable into your HDTV this will remove the jaggies, and therefore giving HD image quality with no jaggies at all. Could some one tell me if they have tested a VGA cable with a HDTV and if it removes the jaggies?

Many Thanks
unfortunatly i aint tried a VGA but ive heard that the jaggies are more to do with resolution then any use of AA, i thought it only used AA in the emulation mode of original xbox games

i use a componant on my Sony [insert long code here] 50" 3LCD rear projection and although very slight jaggies are present i think its more to do with the resolution then anything else, text is very sharp and i never notice jaggies while playing games anyway
schnipps said:
The vga wont remove jaggies as aa is applied in game not by the lead, i have used both vga and component and found component much better

I think it is down to the TV, as i Have a Panasonic Viera 42" Plasma and get a 'sharper' picture from VGA, but a more 'colurful' picture from component.

Yes cmt is probably right.

It's not necessarily due to the cable, it could well be down to the TV not having the highest quality component circuitry or the VGA input may just be optimised for a desktop image.
Ive tried both Component and VGA on my Acer LCD. Component gives better colour and texture depth but also has more jaggies, whereas VGA doesn't produce as many jaggies but has less depth to textures, I compared the back of the boxers heads on the Fight Night R3 demo to test this. Also, the colours through VGA are not as vivid. Component is better IMO.
Looking at some news sites I see there is supposedly a first party HDMI cable coming for the 360 soon? But looking at the 360 Specification it’s only capable of doing 1080i and the HDMI should be 1080p?

I think if 1080p is available with a HDMI cable the gfx are going to be awesome.

If the sites I have looked at are true will the 360 be able to run at 1080p with HDMI and if so why is this not in the original specification?

Also seen the HD-DVD add-on and BLU-Ray add-on but for people who have registered there 360 in 2005 - 2006 they will get a discount?
I've found component video far better than the VGA lead with my 32" LCD HDTV. Colours look very washed out and faded with the VGA cable.
Just adding another agreement, the component is far superior on my 32" Toshiba LCD and generally in the games you dont notice the jaggies without being up close but the colour washout is definitely noticeable.
Ok thanks everyone for the info, i know that the cable has nothing to do with AA and that jaggies are down to resolution. Its just i read somewhere on the internet that when you use the X360 on a SDTV with the AV cables just like a normal Xbox the X360 uses 4xAA but when you go HD it only uses 2xAA, thats what i've read any way.

But in any case thanks for the information i don't think i will bother buying a VGA cable now though. Hopefully there is a HDMI cable coming out for the X360.
Im using the composite - scart that comes with the Premium pack (untill i can find the advanced scart cable) on my normal Tv which is a 28" Sony Trinitron Widescreen job, and PGR3 looks jaggie as hell, where as Condemned and King Kong look ok.
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