X360 Scart to Componant :D

24 Dec 2002
i recieved my Joytech componant cable from a well know auction site today and although i know i paid over the top £25inc delivery but WOW it was 100% worth the extra cash for speed

im sorry if this seems a bit of a pointless thread but i must say if youve paid good money for a HDTV [generally £1000+] but could only get a core package its definatly worth getting one.... ive read a lot about slight shaddowing on txt but i couldnt see anything from where i was sat on my 50" rear projection sony [full length of the controller cable] also the colours are amasing!!! Kameo sceneries are even better now

and also the supplied optical sound cable is amasing

again sorry if this seems to have no point!
Is the component one that came with the premium about the best you can get? The cables always confuse me. I have the premium, on a normal television and am using the 360 thorugh a nofficial VGA cable which offers a lot better quality than the cable that came with the box on normal.

Is the component cable that came with the premium pack what everyone is tring to get hold of as I have one lying around doing nothing.
roboffer said:
Is the component one that came with the premium about the best you can get? The cables always confuse me. I have the premium, on a normal television and am using the 360 thorugh a nofficial VGA cable which offers a lot better quality than the cable that came with the box on normal.

Is the component cable that came with the premium pack what everyone is tring to get hold of as I have one lying around doing nothing.

Well i payed £40 for the component cable from a shop, so id say you should be able to sell it easily
I'm hoping my overpriced VGA cable gets here before the accessory drought ends so I can sell my component cable and at least get most of my VGA cable money back :D
roboffer said:
Is the component cable that came with the premium pack what everyone is tring to get hold of as I have one lying around doing nothing.

i think its the VGA cable everyone is after as componant seems to be slightly easier to get hold of* - as i dont know if they can be used on PC monitors, but if i knew there were people on here with unused componant cables laying around [expecially official ones] i would have asked on here first :(

ahh well... i have an unused composite/scart cable laying around now but doesnt the official componant also have a composite connection?

*although im sure you could still get £30+ for it on a well known auction site at the min
I cant beleive the cable shortage is still going, I ordered a VGA cable from gameplay at the height of it and it arrived two days later....must have been a fluke
I'm just gutted that back when everyone was looking for a VGA I posted a link for a site that had them without buying one myself as I hadn't got a 360 by that point. I'm now 18 days into 360 ownership without having experienced HD lovelyness :p
VGA shortage....had a few in my local electrical retailer, where they all talk rubbish and are associated with hot indian meals. Was very surprised to see them on the shelf tbh
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