x5650 in bloodrage Gti - cant get past 150 blk

26 Jan 2009
Hi there, lookingfor some help to push my oc much forther,

I have just put a Xeon X560 that has ran at 4.3 for ages so I know that's good,

The i7 920 I removed was running at 190 blk x 20 multi again for 2 years no issues,

Now whenever I try to push the BLK past 150 it doesn't post and I have to reset jumpers.

I have changed the IOC to 1.3v as im running a single gtx970
I have uped the uncore by 20mv as recommended online

everything else is stock.

I cant even push past 150 blk lowering all my mulitplies so that everythins running lower or around stock mhz.

Anything else I could try?

bloodrage gti p10 bios
3x4gb corsair ram
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