x800xt w/Zalman VF700Cu

28 Jul 2003
hi guys just got this cooler off a mate for my x800xt now i've fitted it and used some ac5, now does this sound right for temps -
idle - 26-30c
load - 46-47c (using ati tool doing heatup phase for like 1-2 minutes)
i'd have thought maybe 10c off the load temp but here we're talking nearer 25c! :D (it used to run 70c load and 38c idle roughly using ati tool)
anyone else got the same setup roughly?
p.s. the card isnt overclocked yet. ;)
I am getting roughly the same, depending on how hot the missus wants the house.

These coolers work well with the X800XTPE range.

Volt Mod it now!

lol :p
i wont be volt modding this the cash flow is tight atm only being part-time while at college. out of pure interest though, would it be a bios flash or using some resistors or pencil mods that we're looking at for a volt mod?
Pencil mod. Little resistor on the back of the back. S197 I think its called (dont quote me on that). do a google and you shall see.

Have fun.
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