xbox 360 and iPod

27 Sep 2004
The Ledge Beyond The Edge
ok has anyone else tried to use this?? it seems its about as useful as the backwards compatibility. complete crap.
I plugged my iPod into the 360 (as MS say you can do) it didnt find any file names etc, could do owt. So when i disconnected it and went to use the iPod later, no music?? wtf??
hooked it up to my pc to sync again, lo and behold it wont sync, iTunes said ipod knackered try running the update and see if that fixes it.
So wondering if its just me or if MY just buggered this up as much as the backwards
Nismo said:
How does it read stuff like pictures or music from you PC then? Or is that something different?

Yeah the media connect software will do the reading of the data from the disks and whack it out to the 360. I assume thats one of the reasons for using it and no just random shares instead.
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