XBOX 360 bundles...

28 Sep 2004
Right a local GAME has some premium bundles but the games aren't really what i want, i've read on here about people taking games back and getting their value and keeping the console?

Just wondering if anyone could let me know if this is true / how it works and if they definately have to do it.
Agr3sive said:
Have you actually asked if they would sell the console on its own, I bought a core on its own from my local Game and I know someone who has bought a premium on its own there, I cant understand why certain Game stores force sell in bundles and some dont.

Does anyone know if Game is a franchise? as that would be the only explanation for it really.
OK thanks everyone i will give it a go, i want some games though but i do not want the games on offer, king kong etc

i was gonna go for bundle with three games for £369.
wyrdo said:
They cannot refuse you if you want to return the games. It's in their terms and conditions.

They are also entitled to sell you the console on it's own if you ask them to. If they have a problem with that ask them to speak to customer services.
Right, thing is my mum whos gonna go get it and stuff as she works in the town but shes telling me the guy who works at game (manager/worker) is really bad and she doubts he would refund the games if we tried. But if its definately in there terms and conditions he will have to do it i suppose,

it's just he offered my mum prem+ king kon + condemed + any game of choice so really i might only need to take back king kong and condemed not sure if i want it.
LoadsaMoney said:
Thats the bundle i picked up, PGR3 was the game of my choice, i don't know why you would'nt that bundle to be honest, Condemned and King Kong are both cracking games, you can get another cracker of your choice to. :confused:
I don't want king kong, i was probably gonna choose pgr3 .. but im not sure of condemed.
Is it possible to view games terms and conditions i want to show my parents this as they don't believe they will take the games back.
NokkonWud said:
Check the website. Or the reciept.

On every reciept it says a 10 days money back guarantee and you don't even need a reason.
yes i know this, but this is a game from a bundle, does it still apply really?
Also, what are the best games out at the moment? Im gonna look at some reviews but comments from people with games would be good.

PGR3 or need for speed
condemed or quake 4 / cod 2
fifa or king kong ..... what are these games like and what ones am i missing out that are good?
NokkonWud said:
Best Games:
Project Gotham Racing 3
Dead or Alive 4
Perfect Dark Zero
Call of Duty 2
Geometry Wars (Arcade)

Those are in no order, all are excellent games in their own right.
im thinking

perfect dark
cod2 or condemed
They might be giving me a bundle with:


for £369 - i need to go back on sunday to see if they got the premium in, as they sold out now:(
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