Xbox 360 Dashboard Update,COD 2 Patch - Next Week!

15 Nov 2002
After our exclusive article on the upcoming Xbox 360 Dashboard update, a lot of scepsis rose on the authenticity of the report. [H]ard|OCP got formal confirmation from Microsoft yesterday though, and today posted an update stating the patch for the Dashboard will be out next Monday already, and the Call of Duty 2 patch is set for release the day after.

We received confirmation from Microsoft that the Xboxic information was indeed accurate and that an update was “imminent”. Unfortunately, that update was supposed to head to production today but a few minor issues pushed the target date back to Monday. There will also be a Call Of Duty 2 update hitting the following day, so next week should be a good one for Xbox 360 owners.

The folks over at IGN put a small report of the new patch in one of their blogs!

The patch, to be released on tuesday of next week, folliwing an important Xbox Live Dashboard update will include many new features. After a quick "beta-test" our reporter Henry Brookenheimer reports that 'the update will include: Weapon Selection, 3 Gametype choices including CTF, a way to invite friends and start your own server, and dedicated servers to reduce online lag.' The online community, mainly the folks over at the Xbox Forums ( have threatened to boycott Infinity Ward, the people behind Call of Duty 2, and 'Ward is responding. Following the realease, (roughly two months) Jerry Gavin (Executive Art Director) says two new maps will be released saying , "I cannot reveal the names or aspects of the maps, but one will be set in a desert environment, the other in an African Rainforest."

Great News for all CoD2 gamers
I don't mind using my Xbox360 as a dedicated server for a lot of the time. If anyone needs a server host give me a shout, I am on NTL 10mb (1mb/s down / 60kb/s up) so that should work :).
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