Xbox 360 DVD Playback at 640x480??

5 Nov 2002

I've got my 360 hooked up to my 19 inch CRT monitor via the official Microsoft VGA Cable. I set the screen resolution to 1280x1024 in the settings menu and all games look mighty fine in HD. Today however, I decided to watch a DVD on my 360 and was gutted to see the 360 displays DVDS at 640x480.

Can this be changed in any way? After playing a game for a bit at 1280x it's just terrible to pop in a DVD and be forced to watch at 640x :(
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pinkaardvark said:
Also not sure why you'd expect it to run at 1280 * 1024 as the DVD wasn't recorded at this and 1280*1024 isn't even a proper HD resolution either.

I know that, and I wasnt expecting the DVD to be displayed at 1280*1024. But I was at least expecting proper DVD playback, the one I get when I watch dvds on a standalone player. Subtitles appear huge at 640x480, the screen is not sharp at all etc. I'm not complaining about the general image quality, I think it's fine, I just want it to be displayed at a higher resolution.

Why does the 360 revert to 640x480 for DVD playback anyway? It's just not 'right'.
cokecan72 said:
why exactly does it need to run at a higher res?? it doesnt really make any difference to the viewing quality does it????

Uhm it doess. At what resolution would you rather play a game at? 640x480 or 1024x768? What do you think looks better?
But why is the image so much sharper when I playback dvds on a standalone player on the standard crt TV in the living room? Its not only the image, its also the subtitles, i can see little blocks on the subs, the subs also appear much bigger...

it's just like playing a game at 640x480, no sharp image, text on screen appears much larger, little blocks can be seen visible etc...

any tech heads on here who can enlighten me? :)
Sent MS an email regarding the matter, curious to see what they have to say about it and whether an update fix is in the works.
R5Rich said:
u sure its even playing it in that res? what are u going by?

Yes I'm 100% sure :), I'm going by the monitor osd and the disgusting pixelated 640x480 image quality.
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