Xbox 360 games with good replayability

18 Oct 2002
Lake District
I'm not prepared to spend £40 on a game that you can basically complete, games like PGR3 and Fight Night Round 3 look ideal games as they're live enabled but what others are there?
PiKe said:
Not played the demo so it's not getting purchased.

If thats going to be your response to any recommendations - then just play a load of demos until you find a game that meets your criteria.
PGR3 online is so addictive.

I think I've clocked up nearly 600 online career races now (and still only in league 8!). It really does have that "one more go" feeling to it, plus the feeling of progression is great in the online career mode. You start off feeling great if you're not last, then as you get better you start thinking that you want to finish in the top half, then top 3, then eventually you feel that you have a chance of winning every race :D

I'm not desperate for any more releases at the moment as this game is sucha time filler
PiKe said:
Not played the demo so it's not getting purchased.

Well then you must already know the games you have in mind. If you are only going to buy games you have played a demo of then why would you need anyones recommendations when you should know what games you like and what games you didn't
I haven't played every demo there is on marketplace so far I've played:

Kameo (good but no replayability)
Condemned (see above + slight framerate problems)
NBA Live 2006 (Framerate)
Full Auto (See Above)
Fight Night Round 3 (Pre-Ordered)

Maybe the thread title should have been recommend me some demo's.
COD2 I find to be fantastic. I have completed it now both on medium and Hard difficulty setting. Playing through it on veteran and damn its hard.

The point du hoc mission makes it feel like you are actually there. If you arn't pin point accurate you're dead.

Worth a try even if you arn't really into FPS
Started playing COD2 on Veteran last night, I think i'm near the end of Level 3 and its Intense!

My 2nd (On Lev8 of PDZ) FPS on any console ever and really enjoying it and thats coming from a 12yr FPS background on the PC.
You should remember you can always sell / trade old games so in reality they'll never cost you the full £40. Would I say Kameo, Condemned, COD2 and even Kong were worth £10? Hell yes.

But... if it's longevity you want it has to be PGR3. I bought it on launch day and it's the only title I still play regularly. I'm not sure about DOA4; it's fun for small bursts but imo more of a party game than something you'd want to play all the time. Plus you'd have to start visiting a physiotherapist regularly for your knackered hands if you did.

You should also get Oblivion on pre-order, that'll keep you busy if morrowind (the last one) was anything to go by.
Ridge Racer 6 is HUGE the world tour is massive and VERY challanging

It has great graphics at a solid 60fps well over 100 cars 20+ tracks and is fully live enabled up to 16 players

I have so far spent 30 hous playing the world tour and am only 74% complete i know RPGs that dont last that long :eek:

Including all the single races this game will take around 40-50 hours to complete in full and thats not even touching the live and multiplayer games

By far my best value 360 purchase and i have

PD Zero
Call of Duty
PGR3 will last you a long time, assuming you want to get better and better medals. It is a long game. Just you try to get all the achievements.
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