Xbox 360 headphone - volume prob

5 Nov 2002
I just connected my Sennheiser HD570 headphone to the Microsoft VGA cable using a 3.5 mm coupler. Now the problem that I'm having is that the sound volume is so low, obviously :(. Is there anyway to adjust the volume settings in the Xbox dashboard? If not, what other options do I have? Can I buy a wire with volume control for my Sennheiser headphone or will I have to buy a new set?
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PiKe said:
Can't you run through the line in of your PC?

Uhm, I suppose I could do that..., My 360 is right next to my PC anyway. What would I need to do in order to let the sound run through the line in of my pc? If it helps, I've got a Asus A7N8X motherboard and i'm using the onboard sound feature.

Samiad said:
I've just bought a penguin amp from ebay, I'll let you know what it's like when it arrives in a few days if you like...

Yes! Thank you
PiKe said:
Assuming it's 2 phono connectors on the VGA lead, one of these.


I have that one already (i think). It came with the VGA lead. I had to plug the white & red wire into that adaptor. What do I do now?

sorry for coming across as such a newbie :) thanks for everyones help.
Yessssss!!! It works!!! I can finally hear whats under the hood of my cars in PGR3 :D

Thanks. I owe you a Belgian beer m8 ;)

Obviously it doesn't look too tidy in my room with all them cables but will see tomorrow what I can do with some thinkering
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Well, first I put on the live headset, then on top of them I put my heady's. Obviously, it looks stupid :D :rolleyes: , it's not very comfortable... but hey it's not that bad :p
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