Xbox 360 prem + cores in stock

24 May 2004
according to the Game website, they have both the core and premium readily available. Get them whilst they are still in stock :cool:
I telephoned my local store and they said they had a few in stock - both Premiums and Cores. Ive only just got home with my new Premium 360 package. :)
Got my prem from GAME in nottingham today.

They dint have any yesterday.

Looks like every GAME had a big shipment today.

I just need some games now :p
i think this *** be the end of the shortage tbh as swindon stores had 50 by all accounts every where seems to be stocking up quick!
I picked mine up in virgin crewe today. They had 4 premiums come in today, and at just after 5pm I was taking the third home with me. Looks like there was a batch that arrived in the UK not too long ago. Might be the end of the shortages but we could be back to shortages again in the next few weeks...
Game in Canterbury and Westwood Cross both have stock of premiums and cores.

I picked one up in canterbury this afternoon, and it was borked :E the nice people at the westwood cross store sorted me out with another though :D

Currently enjoying some pgr3 :D
R5Rich said:
i think this *** be the end of the shortage tbh as swindon stores had 50 by all accounts every where seems to be stocking up quick!

Yup its sounding promising. :D

Woolworths have Premium packs to. :)

I got the Premium bundle which had King Kong, Condemned, and PGR3 last Tuesday from Game. :D

They said they were getting a lot in in a week or so at the time. :)
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