xbox 360 - Quake 4 or Condemned?

4 Dec 2002
North Lincolnshire
Got my xbox 360 today with PGR3 bundled with it (core one so no HDD) but I want some sort of fps as thats my prefered genre. I want something quite dark so quake 4 and condemned are my two choices but ive only got the cash for one of them. Ideas?
i got the same bundle as you back in december, and i just bought condemned as my next game....thus far im amazed! lol also scared the crap out of me numerous times. really great atmosphere with surroundsound! :)
Isnt the multiplayer on quake 4 up to anything and does condemned have some sort of multiplayer?
Condemned is single player only, but definitely beats the pants off Q4 as far as being 'dark' is concerned.
I really don't like first person shooters but I thought i'd give condemned a shot and i'm loving it. I've heard its not the longest of games so i'm just playing it through once then selling / trading it.
If you want to play Quake 4, Play it on the PC, The Xbox360 Version is Carp in comparrison.. Deffo go with Condemned ;)
Condemned is great. Different and clearly designed specifically with a console in mind.

Quake 4, on the other hand, is just another generic FPS.
I am playing condemned at the moment, about half way through it.

Love it, much better than Quake 4.

Might go as far as saying its in my Top 5 games ever.
Are you kidding me? Condemned all the way! :D

Quake 4 is pants.. ignore the fact that Quake is in the title, doesn't even come close to any of the previous games.
0gami said:
If you want to play Quake 4, Play it on the PC, The Xbox360 Version is Carp in comparrison.. Deffo go with Condemned ;)

I've got both, and found both thoroughly entertaining :)

However most people seem to not like Quake 4 like I do :( So you're prolly best off with Condemned. If you liked Quake 3 though, you might like Quake 4. Its not a generic shooter at all, its subtle. To the casual FPS player its generic, to me its a work of art :)

I guess its like paintings in art galleries. To me they're just pictures. To someone into art they're a lot more. Its the same with Quake 4 tbh.
Well I havent played either, but from what I have read, condemned is way better choice.

Its shorter but has a really good plot while it lasts. Quake 4 on 360 is bugged and has a lot of slowdown issues. Watch the gamespot review and see how bad it can get.
Not played condemed apart from the demo which i thought was pants. Quake 4 though is great for online play and the single player is quite entertaining too. However its definately not scary :)
It could do with more frequent save points... I've played through the first two parts of the first mission almost a dozen times now :( keep getting interrupted (blessing in disguise?;)).
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