I get a bit of gfx glitching at the mo, nothing major, a few speckles/stars/white pixels etc.
I can put up with it, but would like it sorted at some point......
It's a premium pack I have, so...
Do I HAVE to send the HDD back with it? (Loosing save games/downloaded content)?
How long does it all take?
If I do send the HDD back, do M'soft send the same one back with my returned/repaired/replaced 360?
Many people have this experience?
I can put up with it, but would like it sorted at some point......
It's a premium pack I have, so...
Do I HAVE to send the HDD back with it? (Loosing save games/downloaded content)?
How long does it all take?
If I do send the HDD back, do M'soft send the same one back with my returned/repaired/replaced 360?
Many people have this experience?