Xbox 360 Returns

29 May 2005
Who returned their Xbox 360 to the Microsoft Repair Centre have you had a console back yet just wanted to know as ill be sending mine back soon.

Do they deliver on their 72 Hour turnaround system could i have your views as my console is borked not power supply. :(
I bought it from Game online probably no chance of getting a straight swap if i used the guarantee with Microsoft their more then a chance ?
ahhh ok then.
HMV said they will do the warranty for me swap overs if it breaks. guess that only applies if they have then in stock though :p

Exactly i know a few have sent their back on these forums just wondered if they got one ?
Worthy said:
If your console is broken and not your power supply, ring them and tell them.

I sent the power supply back so i have to wait until that comes back before i send the console. I tried my mates one today but no joy still so console is borked should have done that earlier but oh well.

I just wanted to see if someone has got their return 360.
VIRII said:
You're likely to hear about the bad stuff first, or take more notice of it.
There are hundreds of us with the console who are very pleased with it on this forum alone.

Dont get me wrong im pleased with console it great just saying their 4 faults on the forum thats all :)
Thanks Kennybhoy yeah i also think the fail rate is higher then 3% ive also seen a lot of posts. I aint got a clue what my fault is i had it for 4 days then shut down console usual way from dashboard shutdown console. Next day gone to play red light on power supply look like something borked in the 360 really strange.
VIRII said:
Perhaps we could have a mini poll here then, it would give a representative albeit very small indication as to the percentage of faulty units.
Perhaps "my Xbox 360 works fine" or "my Xbox 360 is being RTM'd" would work.
Do we even have 5 units on the forums that have been RTM'd ?

I was going to suggest this myself can this be done please ?
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