Xbox 360 team at work on portable

15 Nov 2002
Author Dean Takahasi has claimed in his new book, The Xbox 360 Uncloaked, that half of Microsoft's Xbox 360 hardware team has moved onto a portable hardware project - designed to compete with Nintendo's DS and Sony's PSP - since the launch of the next gen machine.

Takahashi claims the team was split in two following the launch, leaving the other half to work solely on reduced production costs of Xbox 360.


It has been rumoured for ages. The question is, how far along are they, is the project still in the R&D stages? Is it deffinately happening or are they still in the see-what-we-think stage?

After all, it implies that it won't be out for at least 2 years.
This is nothing to do with Origami, that was just the name of some rubbish ultra portable platform.

I've heard that the XboxPortable will be out in the middle of the 360's life cycle so probably in about 2 years so may well go up againt the GBA2. I've also heard to will be called Xbox180 ;)
i know it has nothing to do with Origami but everyone was speculating thyat was going to be the xbox portable and turned out not to be.
Meh ach well, if its in 2 years time, i dare say a PSP2 will be out around then aswell as the gba2
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