xbox 360 through LCD

6 Oct 2004
Hey guys,

not got a 360 yet, but im getting my bedroom done up in about a week, and getting about a 15/17" LCD screen which isnt Hd-TV (cant afford a HD-one :()

Anyway, as i havent actually seen the difference for myself, is there a big difference?
(for when i get a 360 that is)
It's a pretty massive difference as long as you've got the VGA cable compared to normal composite. Far, more stuff on the screen, writing a lot shaper and easier to read.
Are you on about a 15/17in LCD TV? or PC monitor?
If the TV is the same resolution as the Xbox's output then itll look great, if not itll look not so good as the image gets scaled to fit the screen( i think )
its going to be a TV, if i got it as a pc monitor i couldnt watch normal tv channels on it (its not going to be hooked to my pc)
Check the specs of the monitor, but aim for one that has ideally a 1280x1024 or 1280x960 capable PC input, then you'll be able to use the 360 VGA cable and play in HD.
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