Xbox 360 X-Clamp fix.

30 Oct 2010
I recently got given two xbox 360s from a couple of mates (including controllers, hard drive and cables!). They both had the red ring of death (three lights) and I've successfully fixed them both by reclamping the heatsinks and reflowing the solder.

I am wondering how long they will last? Anyone here done this before and seen a decent lifespan?

I took the fan out and only cooled the CPU. It's the GPU that is generally the problem. Since the CPU has the temp sensor and gets hotter quicker than the GPU, if you towel it or just don't use a heatsink then the CPU will overheat before the GPU gets hot enough to do a good reflow job. (power is cut, and they both cool down).

Both xboxs still alive and kicking.
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