Xbox Series X to PS5

18 Oct 2002
Ok i know many will say best to have both.. But I am not in the position to have both. I have a XBSX but i keep thinking over trying out a PS5 to see what the fuss is and the controller of theirs too.. Has anyone made the move and regretted it..

What i may miss on the Xbox is the Resume of 3 games

Is the Dashboard on the PS5 as good
IS the graphic the same or better on PS5?
I have both and have had both throughout the past generations. There's very little in it, all down to personal preference but I do feel graphically the xbox edges it slightly. I always thought the xbox controller was the better, especially as I use an elite however PS5 controller is a huge improvement over its previous gens. PS wins easily on the exclusives with the added bonus being that most of them are old so can be picked up cheaply. Interface UI and the online system of the Xbox I feel is streets ahead of the PS - I have preordered the new COD on the xbox purely for this reason.
The original xbox was built around online gaming and online play for the PS2 was added later, almost as an afterthought. I feel like nothing has changed 20 years down the line but maybe that's just me not letting go of my bias.
Thank you appreciate your time. Useful information
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