XBOX360 Broken: So much for consoles

23 Jan 2004
On my Boat, Drinking




Not a happy bunny tbqfh

I've had it two weeks, its going back to Gamestation today! I'm not having it that it goes back to MS this is a sale of goods act issue not a send away for repair issue! There is no way I am leaving without a refund or a new console.

This is where it lives

Power brick above console for maximum ventilation


Lots of space around a console in a cool room



I've played hours and hours of Oblivion on it and no issues, NFS:MW was fine too but then I get this with PGR3, it has been working fine but then every time I load it I get this problem :mad:

I bet they try to tell me its the game as as I bought it elsewhere its not their problem but I've seen issues like like before on the PC and I am 99.99% sure its hardware related , what do you guys think?

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Dark_Angel said:
I have heard, that if one game is going to cause the 360 problems its PGR3.

If you have live, try to download as many Demos as possible, just to see if it happens with other games.

Even go so far as to aim a deskfan at it, and see if it stops the problems.

I'm not going to experiment, if it doesn't work in a decent AV set up with its own shelf then its not fit for purpose.

McDaniel said:
unlucky MB do the other games mess up now too?

I put Oblivion on for a while and it seemed OK and the PGR disc is fine, no major scratches or anything I can't see how it can't be the unit itself, when I first started playing PGR3 it was OK its just got worse and worse recently so I think it must be an overheating problem which is developing more and more.

McDaniel said:
just read the above reply - is the power brick well aired also?

Look at the pic, its very well aired.

As I said before I'm not messing with external fans, this thing has its own fans and they should be fine to cool it

I wouldn't be fussed if mine was one in a 1000 but its not, this is a regular thing.

Jesus with some people its like you've slept with their mothers if you dis the 360!

Newsflash: I love it when it works, its broken, when things break that aren't supposed to people get annoyed, especially when these are things they like and want to use, so I feel I have a right to be annoyed and to start a thread saying that my 360 is broken and what peoples opinions are.

Anyway I have a replacement here and they copied the games on to a mem card in store so I haven't lost my 75 hours of Oblivion which is good. Hopefully this one will last a bit longer!

This one is quieter (fans and DVD drive) and cooler and may even be slightly better for darkness through the component, must have got a Friday afternoon job first time around

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