Xbox360 on standard CRT TV - opinions?

18 Oct 2002
Leamington Spa / Oxford
I probably won't be buying an LCD TV just yet, not until a few of my possible money making schemes pay off :p

So if I do get an Xbox360, and that's an IF (not totally convinced about launch line up), then i'll be using it on a 28" CRT TV via RGB.

Will this still look pretty good? Or is it best to wait? Ta :D
I have just got a 360 and use it on my cheap Beko 28" widescreen TV

It looks awesome, was not expecting it to look as good as it does.

I also got the advanced AV cable and that does help make the picture sharper.

I will be getting a HD TV, when i can afford one :p
It looks pretty fantastic on my CRT through Composite. So it should look even better through RGB.

I think you just have to look hard to find the Advanced SCART cable to get RGB.
Agr3sive said:
The Logic 3 RGB cables are supposed to be released in the next few days, where as the Official one is still hard to come by and you dont get red/white audio with it.

Why would you need the red/white anyway? would be totally pointless as most TVs have Red/White output if you want it to go to an amp or something.
My TV doesnt have output apart from headphone socket, I tried using a 3.5mm to red/white and it was poor, Its only a cheap 28inch Widescreen, it does me for now untill funds allow for a Samsung LCD.

With the Joytech and Logic 3 RGB cables they have red/white audio as well as optical where as the Microsoft only has optical if I remember right.
Got a 32" Panny Widescreen which looked good on composite but the text was hard to read. Picked up the official RGB SCART from (not sure i can say) and I was amazed how much sharper/brighter it is. I can now sit further away and still read the text.

A RGB Scart is a must! Also have a good play around with your TV settings. I found a function on mine called PNR (Picture noise reduction?) which caused the picture to look crap (was defaulted to on) until I turned it off.

OFC if I had the cash I would get a LCD but I don't so this will do :) Looking forward to the SED screens aswell.

Have a good wonder around the high street found three places with RGB scarts in stock.
Surely if you were going through an amp you'd want the optical out?

But anyway, the standard composite connection isnt actually that bad - it depends on how well your TV treats composite signals. composite is capable of producing a very good signal - certainly a lot better than some people give it credit for. A good quality TV on composite can still look a lot better than a crap TV with RGB!
Raider said:
Are the RGB cables widely available yet?

I`ve been to 3 game shops today and all but one had the official ones in for £17.99.

I actually bought myself one a couple of days ago to use with my cheapo sainsburys 28" telly and the difference is amazing. PGR looks waaay better, i can actually see where i`m goin now when using the in-car cockpit view :-)
As mentioned already, the text is much sharper and overall i`d definately get one if you`re non-hd.
Raider said:
Are the RGB cables widely available yet?

They are about, Comet has the Joytech ones, may not be in the stores yet, but they are selling them online, and Gameplay has Logic 3 ones, well they now say sent within a week on there. :)

Picking my Joytech one up tomorrow from Comet's as getting a store pick up as they didn't have them in the shop, i was a bit unsure as to what it would look like on my normal Tv, ive got a 28" Sony Trinitron Widescreen, and im very suprised as only using the Composite to Scart that you get with the pack at the moment, and the picture is brilliant, will look even better when i get my proper RGB one tom. :cool:

EDIT: Comet also have the official Ms ones in now. :)
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I was gonna get an advanced scart but if it doesnt have the audio things i wont bother as i got my 360 going thru my decks mixer to the stereo. I do have an optical cable but its tiny it wont reach from the 360 down to my stereo :(

Is there a big diff using the optical thing?
R5Rich said:
I was gonna get an advanced scart but if it doesnt have the audio things i wont bother as i got my 360 going thru my decks mixer to the stereo. I do have an optical cable but its tiny it wont reach from the 360 down to my stereo :(

Is there a big diff using the optical thing?

The Joytech one has audio connectors, both phono and optical. :)
well im only running it thru 2 speakers now as i dont have surround sound in room so spose the optical is a waste of time for me. Ill wait for the joytech ones as it has the audio connectors :)
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