The Stacker 830 is a very poor case when put up against non gaming cases.
The 25cm fan makes a racket for the CFM it produces, it has no benefit over a YS Tech fan that pushes more air at the same volume, but is 120mm.
25cm will do nothing over a 120mm, as a blowhole depending on what you are cooling concentrating the airflow over the device is a much better way to cool say a graphics card than have the whole panel moving 1cfm.
Focusing the flow on a blowhole is how they work, airflow is created through the push pull of fans, the blowhole just creates a localised flow over a component, at 25cm it can not do it as it is so large.
When they are a standard, user replaceable fan then yes, I will be buying them but until that day, with the quality of the fans being so atrocious at 25cm they are a gimmic to sell poorly built gaming cases to young teens or first time PC builders.
My S80 all day has been cooled by one 80mm fan, as I 'lost' (
) my amber fans and have boxed up the 121 Lian Li ones.
No difference in temperature, cooling is not totally dependant on airflow.
Reviews are only as good as the person writing them, SPCR rave about the P180, and ban people from the forums for pointing out all the faults on them; only do this as half the designers are on SPCR as mods.
Aerocool are a very low build quality manufacturer, a review from someone who has owned that case and a good case to compare it to is worth 100000 million reviews.
The review is from the point of view of someone who wants to own the case, they have no motives past wanting to justify their purchase, and it is compared to a known good case.
Why reviews are useless, CustomPC reviewed the Akasa Mirage as having a aluminium door, it does not so they never even used the case.
Several sites raved about the v1000, it was dire, then slate the v1000+, which is amazing. They based that purely on forums slating the v1000, and never used the new one. THG actually took down the v1000+ review and re-wrote it in a afternoon they got it so wrong!
Reviews are not worth the paper they are written on for cases most of the time, if someone on here told me it was a bad case having used it, holds the weight as the total reviews on the web. Two people say its good, then it is.