xd cards?

20 Jul 2004
I fancy getting my first digital camera, i have been looking at fuji digital cameras. I see they come with xd cards while other cameras come with sd cards,so whats the differance between them if any?Will the sd cards be compatible with the fuji cameras?
XD is a proprietory format (fuji and Olympus) that is very expensive compared to SD. They are very different physically. Weigh up the cost af the xd camera u want to buy and add the cost of a 1gb xd card vs a similar sd camera and a 1gb sd card. You may well be able to step up to the next model in the range going the sd route.
xd cards are smaller for starters than sd cards. My mum owns a Fuji camera and I know that takes xd card and there is no way a sd card would fit into this particular camera.

Fortunately the camera I bought (Olympus c8080wz) has got xd and cf slots. The only thing it cant do on the cf card is panorama shots so i keep the xd in for just that.
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