xD memory type M+H and Fuji F30

18 Jul 2006
Just ordered myself a fuji f30 but i am confused by the memory card. I have been looking at the lowest prices on xD but i am not sure if it needs type m or type h memory or if it doesn't matter.

I have googled the camera specs to death but i can't find any information about memory cards. So does anyone have this camera and if so what does it need.
doesn't matter really.

I have a 1gb 'H' and a 2gb 'M' for my F30.

of the two, the H reads slightly faster when transferring to the pc, but not noticibly so.

just buy the cheapest and you'll be fine.


ps.... good choice on the F30 - awesome camera :D
Looking at getting a F30 for the other half for Christymas.

She's tried one and likes it - also got the new Olumpus Mju on the list and the Canon 900Ti

Going to spend a while with the local camera shop and snap off some shots I think and see which look best.

There's just something about the Olympus that I like.

Flibster said:
Looking at getting a F30 for the other half for Christymas.

She's tried one and likes it - also got the new Olumpus Mju on the list and the Canon 900Ti

Going to spend a while with the local camera shop and snap off some shots I think and see which look best.

There's just something about the Olympus that I like.


the usable ISO of the F30 will be a boon at parties / nights out / concerts etc.

I looked at the 900ti and the 850is, but even though they are nice they lack some of the functionality of the fuji. Not looked at the Olympus so could not comment on the performance of it.

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