XDA Exec/MDA Pro - yay or nay

16 Apr 2004
Evening folks,

I'm looking at getting a new phone soon, preferably a smartphone of some sort. Having used Symbian for ages until my 7610 died, I'd like a phone with PDA capabilities, 3G and wifi.

The phone that appeals to me at present is the MDA Pro with web 'n' walk from T-Mobile. Does anyone have any experiences of this phone, good or bad?

I've noticed that it's biiiiiiig, even heavier than the classic 9210 that I've had experience with.
I'm not going to be using it for business at all, I just want a geeky phone that's got full internet access and the option to install apps. I've used Windows Mobile in the past on the original SPV, found it a bit buggy, has it got any better.

Finally, are there any other options for PDA phones that have 3G and wifi?


LeperousDust said:
I have one being delivered this week, i can report back then. Personally i don't expect to keep it, but it came with my contract, and i wanna play first see what its like then ebay it. I'm after the HTC Prophet really.

The Prophet looks quite sweet, but it doesn't seem to be 3G unfortunately. That's a major concern for me if I'm going to be caning it for downloads. Let us know what it's like anyway.


Gavin said:
You be caning web n walk for downloads unless u get the pro version as the standard package is for browsing and emails from your handset and nothing else or you get throttled and a nasty letter/phone call....

If you check here.....i have the mda pro.........

Do they permit any sort of downloads? Similarly, can I login remotely to my home PC without them going a bit mad?

What are the download speeds like? Comparable to old-skool broadband?
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