XDA Mini S / MDA Vario / K-Jame users

18 Oct 2002
North Wales
Just gone one last week, and my main annoyance with it is that is slow.

Is there anything available to maximise performance of it?

It's ok when I'm actually doing something, but browsing menu's, loading programs etc is what's taking ages. TomTom 5(5.21) takes about 2 mins to load up :o
Jez said:
The best you can really do is disable o2 active, search around for how to get it into "corporate mode"

The reason i sold mine was because of its speed though, they are very very very slow PDA's in effect with phone features slapped on.

It's actually badged from T-Mobile, and there isn't much on there other than a couple of shortcuts.

I can just about put up with the slowness for applications, but when trying to make and receive calls it really falls over IMO.

The AKU2 rom is due soon, hopefully that'll make it a little better.
Hades said:
You candownload vanilla ROMS to get rid of most of the proprietory stuff. This can speed them up a bit. I love mine (O2 but didn't install the Active stuff).

Out of interest, how much memory do you have free? I typically have 40-50% free, but it would be nice to free some of that up
n30_mkii said:
I have the XDA Mini S and use the Omap overclock utility to raise the clock to 240Mhz. It can be set just for certain apps or when the phone comes out of standby. Been using it for 6 months now with no problems

Obviously this is at your own risk! Head over to XDA Developers


And check out the overclocking threads....That site will also help with the corp mode etc....

Hope that helps!

Cheers, I've seen the overclocking thread over there, but can't seem to see the link for download? Anychance you could point me in the right direction, or send over the file?

n30_mkii said:
On that site, the downloads only become available when you register for free....

Try registeriing because there is loads of other stuff on there.....If you still cant get it post here, and ill send u the file

Ah, I see now ;)

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