XF14mm F2.8 R

20 Jul 2008
Hi all,

Purchased this lens just after the first lockdown and been really chuffed with it.

That said, I've noticed recently the focus has been occaseonally misfiring. As in a landscape shot with no foreground and it still is coming out slightly blurred. My X-T20 has some debris/damage to the sensor and to be honest I've just lived with it keeping my aperture wider than f8 so there are no marks on the image. It did cross my mind perhaps this has something to do with it - or is it likely then lens? All my other lenses seem to be focusing fine.

One of the reasons I upgraded to this from the supremely good value Samyang 12mm was the lack of autofocus was starting to be a real pain so being back to square one isn't ideal even with the better optics!

I really enjoy using my Samyang the majority of the time, super sharp and let's in great light for astro. Even for landscapes I don't mind the MF however I will admit I've been caught out more than a few times when I've needed it for a super quick shot i.e. a good rainbow etc and stuck the lens on and fired away only to remember afterwards that there's no AF like all my other lenses :o. That being said I just leave it on infinity and it gets the job done 99% of the time.
Anyhow, I just did a quick Google and didn't realise the 14mm is the price it is, for some reason I expected it to be cheaper. Would the 16mm f2.8 be an alternative? You're only losing 2mm and it seems to be cheaper.
Or better still, since it's for landscapes, you could stretch to the 10-24mm if you don't mind dropping down to f4. I'd love that lens but I just don't see enough use cases for me with the f4 but everyone's needs are different.
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