XFI Xtreme Gamer & Vista X64 with 8gb RAM

25 Sep 2003
So, I heard the XFI cards don't really like X64 especially with 4gb or more RAM. I've got an Xtreme Gamer OEM card and it's just not working in Vista. I've tried a few different drivers and now it says it's there. I can even slide the volume up and down but literally nothing comes out. I've tried with headphones too, so it's not the speakers.

Is there any way of getting this card to work in Vista X64 or am I going to have to RMA it already? :confused:
Yeah, tried the latest drivers just says I don't have the required hardware in my system when I can physically see the card plugged in..

Managed to find some random drivers which at least reconised a card existed although no sound comes out so pretty useless!
Thanks guys, just restarted - un-installed all the drivers and let Vista redetect it, and lo behold its started working! Weird but at least it now produces sound!

Thanks for the links, I'll see what's going on but at least I can hear stuff now! :D
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