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XFX 640MB 8800GTS (XT or Extreme XXX?)

18 Jun 2006
I can't provide links on here as they are from a competitor but I've seen an XFX 640MB 8800GTS XT set to 580Mhz/1800Mhz at a particular price and, for around £12 more, an XFX 640MB 8800GTS Extreme XXX set to 550Mhz/1800Mhz. What is the real difference between the two cards? Will I notice ANY sort of performance difference at all?

I'm planning to buy one to replace my 7950GX2 which I'm giving to someone else and will be playing at 1680x1050 so believe the 640MB 8800GTS to be my best, not ridiculously expensive, option. Feel free to suggest alternatives :).
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