XHTML & CSS Gallery

19 Oct 2002
ok, i've got a gallery, and i want (when you click a thumbnail) for the main picture to be oponed up in its own completely no-frills window (no scrollbars, status bar, etc... just the picture (with no margins either)) - i always want this window to be 800x600 cuz thats how big all the pics are...

whats the best way to do this?
punky_munky said:
Wow, nice. Doesn't look overly complicated either.
Nope looks quite simple, I stumbled across it the other day and havent had time for a proper look yet but was well impressed
its about to go on mine as a document of all my signatures..although there will be some natural configurations to differentiate it slightly.. +im learning JS now, so hopefully will help with that...
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