Xi-Fi Platinum Fatality XP Driver problems?

20 Jan 2004
Hi guys

Just trying to install the drivers fresh from the CD from the original box...

Typically Creative drivers they say "Setup is unable to detect a supported product on this system" then you just have to cancel the install. That's it..

I have various other versions of the drivers, that I have found on the net, and they do the same thing...

Funnily enough I had this same issue on my Audigy 2 on my old PC, you think Creative would have sorted their drivers by now...

Any help much appreciated !

Thanks very much for your suggestions.

I tried reseating it twice to no avail.

But then I tried a different PCI slot , not hopeful but then it actually worked?? :)

Something about creative IRQ Conflicts I beileve..

Anyway all sorted :)
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