Xmas gaming marathon...

5 Feb 2009
Already looking forward to my annual three weeks off in December. I have a most enjoyable yearly custom of using a good chunk of this time to get stuck into some immersive games.

This year for the first time in a while I'm feeling a bit of a loss.

I have lots of games on my to-play list, but none of them are really what I really look for a this time of year. I really like to immerse myself in a long open-world RPG type game with a big, deep world to explore, a character to develop and a story to drive it all.

Over the past several years I've had great fun with Skyrim, Dishonoured 1 & 2, Far Cry 3, Mass Effect 3, The Witcher 3, Fallout 3 & 4, etc..

None of the games on my wishlist are quite like this. Divinity: Original Sin 2 probably comes closest to being able to scratch the itch, but I'll miss the kind of immersion you get from 1st-person/OTS exploration I think.

All I can think of that fits that I've not yet played is Elex - but if my experience with PB games in the past is any guide, it will probably be best to wait for a few patches before buying it.

I'm hoping there're some obvious titles I've just missed in the last year or two... any suggestions?
Will definitely be looking at VR once prices come down a bit.

I've already played Fallout 4, though.

Looking at Elex a bit more, it seems like it's getting good reviews so maybe that will do. It would be good to have more options, though.
Maybe not quite ticking all of the boxes for you, but how about Shadow Warrior 2?

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided?

Dying Light?

GMDX 9.0 (Give Me Deus Ex)? Great mod - the best I've experienced since the original.

I've played and thoroughly enjoyed both DEMD and Dying Light (and the original Deus EX). Those are just the kind of games I'm after.

I have Shadow Warrior 2 on my Steam wishlist, but it looks more action focused than what I like to get stuck into over Xmas. Is it open-world? (I know relatively little about it tbh).
I have to confess that I haven't played it either. :D I have the first, but as I say, although it probably doesn't tick all of your criteria, it may be worth considering if you run out of ideas. I think the looting/upgrade system will keep you busy, but from the reviews I've watched, some like it and some don't.

I don't believe it is what we normally call open-world, no.

If I can think of something else then I'll throw in some more ideas.

Are you averse to playing games you've already tried with major mods?


And I wouldn't say I'm necessarily averse to playing through mods of games I've already played. Man, I spent two or three years in the late 90s playing nothing but total conversion mods for Half-Life (Todesangst, The Challenger Deep, Poke646, They Hunger, Timeline, Darkstar, etc, etc...). I've not seen any mods that grab my attention too much recently, though. I'd much rather go for the total conversion style rather than those that just tweak graphics and mechanics.
You already mentioned ELEX, but can add that a streamer called CohhCarnage is playing it just now, he is 50+ hours into it and still not done with it.

And have you thought of Assssin's Creed Origins ?? I not play any of the other AC games but can say Origin is huge, loads of areas to explore and have loads of side quests to be explored.

Thanks. I might have a look. Hopefully watching to get his impressions won't give any spoilers, but it would be good to see some gameplay.

fallout new vegas

I really enjoyed Borderlands 1 and 2, but I've not played New Vegas yet. I did buy a copy years ago but never got around to installing it. The more time goes on the more I get put off by the outdated graphics tbh.
Here is his thought on ELEX if you want to hear those.

Thanks for that.

Sounds like it's a good, bug-free release, which tbf is not something PB are best known for.

Also..."If you like the Gothic franchise, you'll most likely like this game"

Well, that's me sold! Will definitely be getting this!

mods will help improve the gfx, the game is worth playing imo

I did have a look a while back for graphical mods for NV, but tbh I didn't really see anything that looked too impressive. Are there any specific mods you'd recommend to bring the visuals more up to date?
I played it on vanilla as the graphics don't bother me

Hmmm. Some parts there with very dated looking textures but overall it doesn't look too bad at all. Could definitely be playable. Cheers. I might have to put NV on the list too now.

I am in the same boat - I will be finishing off mass effect andromeda, continuing with motorsport manager. Will see what else I have in my backlog and in the steam sale.

Yeah, don't know if it's just me not being in touch, but it does feel like there are far fewer first-person/OTS open-world RPG type games on offer at the moment. In previous years I remember my dilemma being which of several potential games to choose. This is the first time in many years I've felt there's not sufficient choice for this type of game.
AC Origins is one of the best open world games made in terms of atmosphere - might be worth a try, albeit not first person. Darn good though.

We need another elder scrolls going back to its roots along with the tech we see in Origins.

Yeah, I didn't even consider AC:O just because I've played three or four AC games before and feel like I've played out all they have to offer. Though this does mean I've not paid any attention at all to Origins, so I'll have to give it a closer look based on what you've said.
Some good recommendations, but I've played almost all of them (Prey, Divinity 2, all of the Stalker series).

AC:O does sound like it would be more my cup of tea than any of the series so far. Shame there aren't too many open world RPGs around that I've not played at the moment, but I guess between Original Sin 2, Elex and perhaps AC:O and New Vegas I should have a good Christmas. :)
Dead by daylight

Nah. Thanks, but wrong kind of game entirely. I dislike MP at the best of times, but here looking specifically for immersive, open-world SP.

also forgot dead island

Yup. Played it and liked it. Not a patch on Dying Light, but was still fun.

Bioshock 1, 2 and infinite. I think they released Bioshock 1 and 2 redux with better graphics.

Metro 2033 and Last Light redux are good fun. Ranger mode survival, they are good 10-15 hrs long each one. Get in the mood for Exodus.

Yup - all good examples of what I'm looking for (though ideally I'd like something a bit more RPG-like), but I've played them all.

Though it does remind me I've not played Minerva's Den (though that will only occupy me for 5 or 6 hours it seems).

Don't write Divinity original sin 2 off, I enjoyed playing that more than ME:A this year.

Oh, I'm not writing it off by any means! I will definitely play it sometime in the next few months, and I'm really looking forward to it. The only reason I said it's (possibly) not quite what I want at this time is that my tradition is to get a few nice dark ales in and happily lose myself in a bit RPG open world, and I think first-person or OTS is a bit better for getting the sense of immersion that goes along with that.
What about Path of Exile? It's free, yeah it's an arpg but there's plenty of depth and content to it.

Also Elder Scrolls Online, you can play it as a single player RPG in a way I guess, it's also free to play, and if you fancy hooking up with others that option is there.

Yeah, I played PoE through a couple of playthroughs. I did like it, though I feel kind of done with it now. Still have it installed, though, as I know it gets frequent updates.

I hadn't considered ESO tbh. I didn't know it was free, either, though. Got to be worth at least checking out if I don't have to pay anything. How immersive is the world? I always think having other players around the same quest-giver/items kind of breaks immersion a bit.

Yeah, played all the FEAR series, and Thief, and DMoM&M too!

I do have Styx on my wishlist. It looks pretty good, but I don't get the sense of being an immersive open-world type game. I could be wrong, of course.
Yeah another vote for ESO over Xmas. You can play the game as single player like a normal ES game for example Skyrim or Oblivion. Just explore, run around, do quests, gather nodes, do world bosses and delves.(turn off the chat window completely)

1200 hours laters, maybe you could start looking at the DLCs, and still without having touch the group dungeons or Cyrodiil (PvP/PvE).

My advice start as Aldmeri Dominion and Khajiit.
AD has the best faction quest line (and Razum Dar), and as Khajiit feels more "RPG" to big parts as you interact with a lot of Khajiits on all areas. (and they do look cool).

After that, continue with either the same character to the other faction zone, or make a new one for the "RPG" feeling.

Don't bother with gear etc. Just craft what ever you find, or drops in a typical Elder Scrolls fashion.

I do plan to get back to it in December, and start a new toon for the fun. Is years since I did the quests and couple of areas are absolute blast to even just run around doing nothing like Khenarthi's Roost and Auridon.

And listen closely to some of the khajiit NPCs ;)

Okay. This is interesting. I didn't know there was such depth for ESO as a single-player game. I'll have to look into it. Cheers.

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is everything you've asked for. A bit old now bit it's still brilliant.

Again... ohhhh yes! This is one of my favourite games of all time. I'd really love to see a worthy sequel.
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