Xmass time, looking at a new camera (£200ish)

12 Mar 2005
Hey im looking for a nice camara, basicly point and shoot, but i would also like to start playing towards D-SLR.

Iv found the Canon Powershot 710 which looks nice, good zoom of 6x, and has a bunch of manal settings if i wished.

Is there anything better out there just now?

can be had within my budget, though they look very bulky, which not soo good for the point and click times i will be using it for.

What is that website that has lots of reviews on it? :confused:
If you want something compact what about Canon ixus 750 although I have never used this camera it looks nice, compact and in budget.
Cheers :) i really like the canons and have always heard good stuff about them those reviwes seem to back that up, ...


Which is better the Powershot 710 (also some rate the Pwershot A640 over the 710?) or the Ixus 900?

The ixus is about £50 more but is it worth that at the sacrafice of the manual settings?
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