XP Cororate Question

i thought if i used my PC for work i do for them ( sorry should have been a little clearer on how i know my mate) then that would be covered by the EULA!?! If not then i have no intention of using an illegal copy of windows, as my current legal copy is perfectly adequate
Datamonkey said:
But if its one of the well known keys on the net then it will be blocked and will not update for you.

No its an authentic, legally purchased license by the company, think i will leave it till i look through the agreement, like i said NO interest in illegal sofware... firm believer in paying for what i want lol, least im covered that way!
XP Home... the only reason it would be worth it... Even then the reasons are small and limited. I dont need networking or remote services... I will quite happily continue to use home, somehow does not seem worth it lol.
is the 64bit edition worth the £93.94 then? coz i'd like to get the most out of dual core. But does that mean you need 64bit software to use on it i.e does that render all my current apps/games useless?
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