XP Pro Upgrade to Server 2000/2003

defintly not to win2000, 99% sure you can't do it server 2k3. Seems a crazy idea to me to want to upgrade.
burnsy2023 said:
Indeed, I doubt you could upgrade as its an OS for a totally different market.

Why are you upgrading out of interest?


Its at work we currently have a intranet server used on XP Pro but we thought it would be better on 2003 server allowing more people to acces it at one time?
peter212693 said:
Its at work we currently have a intranet server used on XP Pro but we thought it would be better on 2003 server allowing more people to acces it at one time?

Makes sense. But how are you currently operating an intranet with only 10 concurrent connections?

Anyway, the answer to your question, is you'll probably need to reinstall.

Or just install apache on XP, if that's all you're bothered about. There are other benefits oh having a 'proper' server of course, but horses for courses.
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